

HTML / CSS / Javascript / Express / MongoDB



Our objective was to develop a distinctive platform that diverges from mainstream platforms like Reddit, while simultaneously serving a practical purpose. Many users when planning their vacations were utilizing Google Docs as their coordination tool. This got us thinking about whether there might be a better alternative out there, beyond the limitations of Google Docs.


Our application serves as a vibrant forum, housing a collection of travel guides made by locals. Users can access these guides for free and rate them, improving community engagement and promoting travel experiences. By incorporating activities like hiking, shopping, festivals, and dining options, we allow comprehensive itineraries to be made that are tailored to individual preferences. Furthermore, users can employ the search feature to locate specific destinations, streamlining their travel planning process. To enhance the dining experience, we aspired to leverage the Mastercard location API, providing valuable information on restaurants accepting Mastercard payments. We employed a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend, while utilizing Express.JS as our backend framework. Storing the application's data was made possible through the implementation of MongoDB.


Our team encountered various challenges throughout the development process. It's worth mentioning that all three team members were relatively new to web development, making this Hackathon a significant learning experience. Ron and I, in particular, were introduced to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the first time during this event. We take pride in our team's ability to maintain focus and collaboration over two consecutive days, dedicating a total of 12 hours each day to the project. Despite the limited time available and our demanding school schedules, we managed to develop a functional website which was an exciting accomplishment. Throughout the development process, our team gained valuable insights and expanded our skill sets. For me, participating in my first hackathon provided an immersive introduction to web development, where I acquired a comprehensive understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the intricacies of frontend-backend interactions. Moving forward, we have ambitious plans to enhance the user experience of creating itineraries, incorporating widgets and drag-and-drop features for activities. Additionally, we aim to integrate APIs such as Google's or Yelp's to offer a comprehensive list of restaurants with ratings. Lastly, we strive to complete the implementation of Mastercard functionality, further augmenting the application's capabilities.

Thank you to our team: Jeffrey Hwang, Chaney Chantipaporn and Ron Rivera






